First I want to say, as usual, it's been a rough week! As if getting over a sinus infection wasn't enough, Caleb ran fever for 2 days straight, then Cate ran fever starting last night and didn't go to school today, and now AJ came home with fever and chills. It's been a pretty sleepless week but I think I've managed to do a pretty good job this week in spite of everything. I'm actually proud of myself for not letting these circumstances keep me from working out.
But Anyway. Here's the lowdown.
Workout 1 - twice this week
50 jumping jacks, 50 side lunges, 30 front lunges, 50 squats, 30 punches w/ weights, using a dumbbell and hold over head and swing it down between legs into a squat and swinging back up without stopping,( saw on YouTube) 50 of these, hold weights up to chest and twist increasing speed (biggest loser) 30 seconds, hold dumbbells at side and lean into each side like reaching toes, 30 seconds, and added 50 crunches
Workout 2 -
Started out doing a workout from an old Hers magazine, before I was over run by Parenting, but then the kids decided to join me and it got over crowded too fast and I switched up.
. This is the complete workout but I ended up stopping at the push ups, when Caleb decided to climb under me and sit there. This workout is supposed to burn 300 calories in 20 minutes. Going to try it again next week. I ended up dancing for the next 30 minutes, trying to keep my heart rate up.
Workout 3 -
100 jumping jacks
100 jump ropes
50 squats
50 lunges
100 crunches
100 punches
Workout 4-
100 jumping jacks
100 jumping ropes
50 squats
50 lunges
100 punches
100 jump ropes
100 punches
100 crunches
100 oblique crunches
Arm Workout
5lb dumbbells, 3 sets of 12
Ab workout
Done with arm workout
3 sets of 10
Haven't worked out today yet, but plan on doing one sometime this evening.
I have been given some products to sample from Arbonne. A lot are from the Arbonne essentials line, which I didn't even know existed. I have a protein shake, digestion plus aide, energy fizz packet, appetite suppressors, and a herbal detox tea along with other non related fitness items. I'm excited to try them and to let you all know how they are. So, I will be putting up some reviews sometime next week on some of products.
I can't wait to hear what you think.