Thursday, June 20, 2013

Letter B Activities

Well, I'm finally posting our activities for letter B.  2 letters down and 24 more to go.

I always search YouTube for the videos to use.  These are some we used these two weeks. 

Elmo sings the letter B song

Another hip song -  My kids love all the videos by this group.  (Have fun teaching)

This is an interactive game not for a two-year old, but good for a preschooler.  We didn't use this one but I like it anyway.

Crafts and Activities:

All the kids jumped in on this.  We tossed balls into buckets and used bouncy balls to try and bounce them into the buckets.
Someone just couldn't wait their turn.  Photo-bombed.
B is for balloons... water balloon that is!  What else to do on a hot day?  Hold your other children hostage for a few seconds with a taped letter Bb on their shirt.  One was the uppercase and the other was lowercase.  Where's the letter B, Caleb?  LOL.  They all ganged up on me later.
Buttons on Bb
Painting Bb
Hand print Boat - Used a paintbrush for the water, a cotton ball to paint clouds, and half of a make-up wedge to create the sails.
Build-A-Boat and Make it Float
Directions - take a foam plate or tray and cut a shape out of it.( thicker ones are better)  Use a toothpick to stick in the middle, or wherever you prefer it to be.  Get a drinking straw and cut a piece about the size of your toothpick.  Use construction paper to make a sail and tape it on the straw.  Slide straw on top of your toothpick.  Fill up a pan with water and let it sail.  The kids had a contest to see who could blow their boat to the other end the fastest.

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