Showing posts with label father's day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label father's day. Show all posts

Monday, June 20, 2016

Happy Father's Day!

Our Father's Day fun begin with breakfast made by Miss Caitlyn.  She had been planning it for a week and letting everybody know that she would be the one making breakfast.

She put on her apron and chef hat which is probably one of the best Christmas gifts we've gotten her. I ordered it from Amazon. She was going all out.  She cooked cheese grits, turkey bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, and toast.  She wanted to make biscuits too, but I was like that's enough Cate! Lol.  

They later went to The Clubhouse and rode go carts and all that fun stuff.  I opted not to go with the babies. 

I would say his father's day went well.  We have definitely been blessed with the best!  I couldn't have asked for a better match.  Andre is such an amazing dad and has shown me what that truly means!  

Hope all the dads had a fabulous Father's Day!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Fathe's Day 2014

I hope everyone had a great father's day weekend!

Andre wasn't home at the start of Father's Day. He went to a softball tournament that Saturday and came back Sunday early afternoon. We would have went but I thought the kids had choir practice (they didn't).  So we waited anxiously for him to get home.

Originally, we had planned to go out and eat and head to the water park, but then decided to stay home instead.  I honestly wasn't sure about all the long hours bending, lifting, standing and running behind a toddler. 

So when he finally got home, the kids proceeded to swarm him with all of their Father's Day cards and pictures that they had made for him.  Then it was on to my favorite part of the day - pictures.  Of course, I forced  asked  told everyone to get together so I could take a picture for Father's Day.  Did I mention I'm a wanna be photographer? There is usually an excess of 1200-2000 pictures on my phone (500 at the moment- I just put in a new card 2weeks ago)This is part of the reason, it doesn't always work like it should. Then, Christmas came and I needed a real camera, a month later I needed a tripod, now I need a spare room....

It was about 90 degrees outside. So despite those smiles, they were like "hurrrry uuuup."

Thanks for making our days so bright daddy! (Hence the shades) Yeah, I think I'm all creative.  They're lucky I waited too last minute to get my softball MVP picture idea together.

"Come on AJ!  Take our picture!"  You know since moms take all the pictures of everyone, we are hardly ever in any of the pictures.  Sadly, no one else in the house shares my love for photography..... among all my other strange addictions.

Afterwards, the kids decided to help me fix daddy a meal.  I'm not sure if Caleb was prepping dinner or trying to be dinner. I think he associated the flour with some of our sensory play activities.

Then while I cooked, they all took off to go fishing. Of course, this didn't actually mean daddy would get to do any fishing. Lol. He was just supervising the kids.


(I guess if we are going to hand down toys and such from Cate to Caleb, we could at least spray paint them. Then again, it's not like he cares. lol)

So we ended our little Father's Day night watching the game or better yet yelling at the tv and eating. Cate and Caleb had built a fort in the living room and fell asleep on the floor.  I decided to let them stay there.  Overall, I think it was a pretty great day or at least the kids had fun.     

Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day

A daughter's first love and a son's first super hero.   

I hope that all the fathers had a great Father's Day.  Here's a few pictures of ours.


Daddy's slept in long enough.  It's time to wake him up.
The kids are up cooking breakfast for daddy.
Let's just see what the yolk feels like.  There's no telling what we ate.
AJ wrote a rap and Miss Cate wrote a little something.
No time for resting daddy.  Get up!
The guys
Daddy and the princess
This turned into a bunch of little monkeys jumping on the bed.
What dad doesn't love to fish?  I think the little ones about took over.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Father's Day Book

One of the gifts we made my husband over the years was this super hero book. We happened to pull it out the other day and the kids couldn't remember ever making it. They were very young.
We took turns telling something we liked about daddy on each page and made a picture to go with it. AJ was practicing writing.
This was Cate's page.  I let her hold the pencil with me and we tried to write together.
The kids get a kick out of looking back at the book. We each made two pages. AJ was almost 5 and Cate was a little over 2. We laminated the pages, punched holes in the side, and tied it together. We also put their exact ages on the back.
I  think it's a cute Father's Day activity.  Hope you like it.