Thursday, March 2, 2017

Journey To Minimalism - Bathroom Stashes

I was in the bathroom one day doing my hair and minding my own business when Mr. Andre decided that he needed to bother me.  He started telling me that Cate and I needed our own bathroom for all our hair stuff and that he was not sharing a bathroom with me anymore.  Now, I don't have a whole lot of hair stuff.  Well, at least I don't think I do.  I try to stick with the tried and true. 

One problem was that it was just thrown all over the counter and had been like that for about a week or two at that point.  You know those tiny little humans of mine kind of keep me from getting things done.  I mean I have to keep Baby A out of the toilet and Baby B from eating tissue so we just have to hurry out of the bathroom. lol   Anyway, his comment made me think about what did I have so I decided to pull it all out and evaluate it.

Here's my stash of hair products.  Not much, right?  However, I did wonder why I had certain items - containers with just a dab of product left in them, stuff I haven't used since I returned to natural like 4 years ago, and lots of hair serums for shine.  So I like shine, huh?  I hardly use these, but I guess I'm about to start.

So I went through them and had just a few that I could get rid of.  The ecostyler was pretty much empty except for the hard bits around the edges and so was the Camille Rose.  That 'just for me' hair grease was probably 5 years old and smelled terrible.  I threw it out.  I got rid of the Dr. Miracles and put the bottles with just a little bit left in them on the counter for us to use up immediately.  I also have a few other products not marked out that I plan to use up and not purchase again.

Next, we moved on to the hair gear. I am a natural hair girl so I don't use any of this stuff on a regular basis.  It only comes into play when we straighten our hair. 

So here's what we got rid of.  However, I'm still considering getting rid of those two barreled curling irons because we mostly use flat irons for everything or rollers.  I'm going to think about that for a few days.

Moving on to the combs and brushes.  How many do you need?  Apparently, I needed a lot and I bet half of these were likely purchased because I couldn't find one of them.  I haven't even used a rake comb since I had a pixie middle school.  You know those packs of brown combs you get from the hair store?  You really don't know what all the combs do, but you get the most combs in the pack for the money?  Yep, that's where some of these come from.

Wha-la! I did try to keep it at one of each for me and Cate.  This way we don't have to share as she becomes more concerned with her hair. 

My perfume sits on a little gold tray on a stand in the bathroom...collecting dust.  I rarely wear perfume.  After the twins were born and we discovered Cason had eczema, I abandoned it altogether.  Since his eczema seems to be gone, I'll spray a bit every now and then.

It just so happened that my sister and one of her friends were at the house as I was starting my purging party.  They ended up with a lot of these things.  I was glad I had someone to give them to because I really can't stand to throw something that can be used away.  Other things got given to others.  In the meantime, I'll be making sure to use up all the things that I have and trying to absolutely only keep things that I love and use.

Questions I asked myself during this process:

1.  What is this?
2.  Do I use this?
3. How long has it been since I used this?
4. Do I need this?
5.  Do I like this?
6.  Would I buy this again?
7. Who gave me this? Sometimes we like to hold stuff because someone bought it for us.

If you're going through your stuff ask yourself some of these questions.  When I have too much stuff, I feel overwhelmed and I get easily stressed out.  There's just too much stuff so I like things organized, but I just need to get rid of more things too.  The process wasn't too hard, but it was hard just to complete with the twins.  However, I'm trying to make more effort to have less stuff so I can have more life!

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