As school starts, along with it comes a multitude of activities and events. Keeping up with all of it can surely be a headache especially if you have more than one child. Well, I have 5 and 3 are in 3 different schools. So there is always paper, paper and more paper!! To make it easier to manage, I created this school notebook.
This notebook keeps all the kids papers in order and all in one place. It is very easy to keep up with everything that gets sent home. (If the kids give it to you) I just picked up a regular 3 ring binder with a sleeve in front. I just made a very basic cover for it and bought dividers to create specific sections in my notebook. I labeled my sections: schedules, calendars, handbooks, and then labeled a tab for each child. So I have 6 sections total in my notebook.
I like to use the plastic dividers with pockets so I can stick things inside them. In the front pocket of the notebook, I have the large county handbook in the pocket. I also have some larger packets in there as well.
You can blame baby Cason for that torn handbook.
The first section is labeled schedules. In this section, I put all the kids' class schedules. If I need to bring something to the school or am going to eat lunch with someone, it's easy for me to see where they are and at what time. Sometimes I will also write in the teacher's email beside the class for easy access to contact information.
()bviously, this isn't a real schedule. However, you get the idea.)
()bviously, this isn't a real schedule. However, you get the idea.)
The next section is calendars. In this section, I put the school calendars, county calendars and sports schedules and calendars. This section helps when I'm planning out the monthly events on the family calendar.
The next tabs are tabs for each kid. Any type of communication from their teacher/school goes into this section: all of the newsletters, syllabi, parent connection papers, etc.
And here is why I like to use the dividers with the pockets. Anything that really doesn't need a hole punched in it goes into the pocket. It is also a good place to store any receipts for anything that I've purchased from the school here.
I absolutely love having this notebook because it makes it so much easier to find everything I need. I clean it out regularly so it doesn't become a giant mess. Organized and Neat. It's just a few more pieces of paper that I don't have to hunt for because they are buried under a mound of them!
How do you keep your kids school papers organized?
How do you keep your kids school papers organized?
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