Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What A Weekend

(enjoying the nice weather by the pond)

Well I have completely been MIA for the past couple of days.  Exhaustion is catching up with me.
First, I fell asleep on Friday. Caleb's nap time has been slowly becoming my nap time.  Then, I started playing around on the computer half writing about Friday's fitness post that never got written on cutting out processed foods. There is an October unprocessed challenge that I want to try. I'll try almost anything.  Almost. The challenge is to not eat any processed foods for the entire month of October.  I'm thinking maybe completely cutting out processed food at least 2-3 times a week.  I don't know if we could go a whole month.  I stood in the grocery store dazed and confused this week.  Just what in the world isn't processed?  I really need to read more on it, but I've started.  Anyway, I never finished it due to leaving for praise dance practice.
While we were playing in the church yard, waiting on others to arrive for practice, we witnessed a high speed chase that resulted in a crash just a few yards from where we were standing.

My daughter, who has barely slept through the night in 3 months due to nightmares and is easily awakened by hearing even the slightest sound (seems like anyway), is surely not sleeping now. So we are even more exhausted daily. Then Saturday morning was choir practice and dance practice. We were also cleaning for a funeral that afternoon. I and a few others acted as ushers and servers afterwards. I can't stand to go to funerals. It's just heartbreaking to watch people go through pain of loss.
But looking on the bright side, Sunday was our youth Sunday service where the youth are pretty much in charge of the everything. The kids did a great job and the guest choir was awesome.  It was a great service and really uplifting. 
 I also got a surprise when I pulled up to the church and saw one of my best friends from college parked there. Apparently she and the hubby had planned to surprise me.  They did.

(after church- casual Sunday)
It was so good to see her and we had such a great time spending the day together.  Of course, we took about 500 pictures, but I'll spare you.

And we tried to get all of us fur-babies together for a picture.  AJ cannot stand taking pictures!  He's always like "you have to take a picture of us eating too?"  Yes.  He runs every time I mention pictures, but he stood for this one.  The monkey see-monkey do duo down there are usually always ready for a picture.  Making faces and striking poses are usually the best ones.
I'm looking forward to sitting back and catching the breeze.  I may be tired but this weather is really getting the best of me.  All I want to do is lounge around the house all day in pajamas curled in blanket.  The kids don't really care for this idea.  I tell them they'll understand when they're older. 
How was your weekend?


  1. Oh man, that car crash must have been SO SCARY. Good Lord! SO glad you got to see your best friend from college...what fun! :)-Ashley

    1. Oh it was. Hopefully she'll get some sleep soon because I need some too.
      Seeing my friend was fun. We had a great time.
